inatangle: henna designs
inatangle: garden produce
inatangle: headstone--best in department
inatangle: about honey bees
inatangle: about pigeons
inatangle: wildflowers
inatangle: exhibit hall, inside
inatangle: sponsors of the exhibit hall
inatangle: Old Town Hall aka the Exhibit Hall
inatangle: maple products
inatangle: draft horse pull
inatangle: watching the horse pull
inatangle: draft horse pull
inatangle: on break from volunteering in the 4-H tent
inatangle: milk shake--always buy
inatangle: best deals are in the 4-H tent
inatangle: another fan of the taco salad
inatangle: small horse/pony?
inatangle: duck
inatangle: hugging a chicken
inatangle: baby goats
inatangle: beautiful chicken
inatangle: balloon man
inatangle: the kids' tent
inatangle: older folks listening to music
inatangle: friends of the library
inatangle: taco salad: complete!
inatangle: assembling the taco salad
inatangle: Belchertown's congregational church (dates to the 1700s)
inatangle: the famous taco salad