inatangle: "My Hatred of Him Seemed Suddenly to Have Taken Wings"
inatangle: "The Brooks Forces Evacuating the State House at Little Rock, 1895"
inatangle: Explanation for "The Brooks Forces," etc.
inatangle: "The Rush from the New York Stock Exchange on September 18, 1873"
inatangle: Explanation for the "The Rush from the New York Stock Exchange"
inatangle: "At the Gate of the Castle"
inatangle: Renaissance-style painting
inatangle: "Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead"
inatangle: Explanation for "Why Seek Ye," etc.
inatangle: "The Buccaneer Was a Picturesque Fellow"
inatangle: Explanation for "Thomas Jefferson" etc.
inatangle: "Thomas Jefferson Writing the Declaration of Independence"
inatangle: "The Mermaid