inatangle: raw materials: potatoes
inatangle: put a raw potato in and press down
inatangle: cook them up and serve them
inatangle: 4-H tent: cookie decorating
inatangle: Baby contest
inatangle: Old Town Hall and water tower
inatangle: Tractor embedded in tree
inatangle: tiny houses
inatangle: sunflower cake
inatangle: eggs and canned goods
inatangle: produce
inatangle: sheep
inatangle: dog riding a tractor
inatangle: cough syrup
inatangle: Jabish Brook Middle School Band
inatangle: they look like highway robbers
inatangle: riding the unicycle and juggling
inatangle: the judging booth
inatangle: Little Springtime with her trombone
inatangle: flag unit
inatangle: Civil War reenactors
inatangle: Belchertown High School Band
inatangle: Civil War reenactors at the Clapp Memorial Library
inatangle: Belchertown Fair 09, Friday evening
inatangle: Fair Hair
inatangle: signs of the fair: parking ban
inatangle: band booth
inatangle: Sam watches the ferris wheel
inatangle: signposting
inatangle: entertainment tent