inatangle: snow swirls on the road
inatangle: footprint
inatangle: turkey tracks, western Massachusetts
inatangle: cleftrocktree
inatangle: rockmouth
inatangle: in the woods
inatangle: blurrytunnel
inatangle: snowyroad
inatangle: snowyhill
inatangle: goingdown
inatangle: treetobogganJPG
inatangle: snowdune
inatangle: snowdune2
inatangle: snowdune3
inatangle: manyfootprints
inatangle: footprints
inatangle: bright sun, dark snow
inatangle: snow and sky
inatangle: snowy undiscovered country
inatangle: the trail in snow
inatangle: squirrel hole
inatangle: ice pool
inatangle: ice storm undiscovered country
inatangle: threshold undiscovered country
inatangle: slushy road
inatangle: upstream on the melting ice
inatangle: sunlight through pines
inatangle: this way... no... this way~
inatangle: icy pondlet in the marsh
inatangle: edge of the frozen marsh