keithricflick: Kelowna <=> Toronto
keithricflick: Pearson to Hotel + Emerg
keithricflick: Definitely NOT my best side! (The morning after the night before!)
keithricflick: Southern Ontario, Days 1-11
keithricflick: Blossoms near Niagara River above the Falls -03
keithricflick: Blossoms near Niagara River above the Falls -05
keithricflick: Niagara Falls in motion 21 sec
keithricflick: Falls view from our hotel in Niagara Falls, ON -04
keithricflick: American Falls view from our hotel in Niagara Falls, ON -03
keithricflick: Barn Swallow on the edge... -03
keithricflick: First Blue Jay of the trip
keithricflick: First N. Cardinal of the trip 230518
keithricflick: Red-winged Blackbird
keithricflick: Male Downy Woodpecker
keithricflick: Female Downy Woodpecker -03
keithricflick: Bird in a gourd -01
keithricflick: Yellow Warbler - first look -04
keithricflick: Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) at Front Porch B&B, Port Rowan, ON.-07
keithricflick: Purple Martins -11
keithricflick: Purple Martin Range Map
keithricflick: Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) range
keithricflick: Wild Rabbit -11
keithricflick: Banded Tree Swallow -01
keithricflick: Turkey Vulture -01
keithricflick: Mourning Dove -01
keithricflick: Cedar Waxwing
keithricflick: Yellow Warbler -04
keithricflick: Warbling Vireo
keithricflick: Philadelphia Vireo -10
keithricflick: Red-headed Woodpecker