MNJ: Democracy - NRC Handelsblad (NLD) - Veio
MNJ: Humankind at work - Gulf News (ARE) - Stephff
MNJ: Guangzhou Daily (China) - Zhang Bin
MNJ: Global Warming - La Voz de Ferrol (ESP) - Sex
MNJ: Mugabe and Kadafi Fado song - A Bola (PRT) . R. Galvão
MNJ: Bali Climate Summit - Le Monde (FRA) - Tom
MNJ: Bin Laden - Sydsvenska Dagbladet (SWE) - Riber
MNJ: Bob Dylan - El Cultural (ESP) - Gusi Bejer
MNJ: Bush - Kompas (IDN) - Tet
MNJ: Bush - Wik (SRB) - J. Vlahovic
MNJ: Bush in the maze - Sega Daily (BLG) Christo Komarnitski
MNJ: Dalai Lama - Público (PRT) - A.J. Gonçalves
MNJ: Chains of Smoke - La Opinión (COL) - Turcios
MNJ: Darfur, Sudan - The Hamilton Spectator (CAN) - Mackay
MNJ: Deforestation - Diário de Pernambuco (BRA) - Jarbas
MNJ: Les Miserables - Última Hora (BRA) - Spett
MNJ: Mugabe at the reins - The Economist (GBR) - Kal
MNJ: North-South Traffic - Eldenspiegel (DEU) - R. Ehrt
MNJ: Ravens - Politis Newspaper (CYP) - Atan
MNJ: Right Wing - Antorchas (VEN) - Yantor
MNJ: Small Problem - Sol (PRT) - Cid
MNJ: The Drums of War - Boulder Daily Camera (USA) - J. Sherffius
MNJ: The Spinners are Spun - Politics (USA) - M. Wuerker
MNJ: Untitled - Sunday Times (ZAF) - Zapiro
MNJ: Untitled - NRC Handelsblad (NLD) - Schot
MNJ: Untitled - Izmir Life (TUR) - Ozbek
MNJ: The Pensioners - Trud (RUS) - Maxim Smagin
MNJ: World Press Cartoon
MNJ: World Press Cartoon
MNJ: Porque no te callas? - Shalom (BRA) - Spett