AZ bird luvr:
Look who's still here
AZ bird luvr:
Finally found a Starling stumper
AZ bird luvr:
White-throated Sparrow
AZ bird luvr:
Green Heron hides well in a different tree
AZ bird luvr:
Green Heron hides well in tree
AZ bird luvr:
Green Heron step on tree limb
AZ bird luvr:
Blue Boy is back
AZ bird luvr:
Proud Momma Cardinal stays close to baby
AZ bird luvr:
Momma Cardinal
AZ bird luvr:
Baby Cardinal's first venture
AZ bird luvr:
I think I rolled out of bed too soon
AZ bird luvr:
I think I rolled out of bed too soon
AZ bird luvr:
Grey Catbird checking the raisin supply
AZ bird luvr:
Brown Thrasher
AZ bird luvr:
lady Grosbeaks share a dinner table
AZ bird luvr:
Mr. Goldfinch keeps an eye on Mr. Bunting
AZ bird luvr:
Misters Yellow & Blue
AZ bird luvr:
Blue Boy Bunting
AZ bird luvr:
Brown Thrasher
AZ bird luvr:
Blue Jay
AZ bird luvr:
Red-bellied juvenile
AZ bird luvr:
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
AZ bird luvr:
Red-bellied Momma fixing baby food
AZ bird luvr:
Red-bellied Momma fixing baby food
AZ bird luvr:
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
AZ bird luvr:
Gray Catbird
AZ bird luvr:
AZ bird luvr:
Carolina Wren with a bit of Cottonwood fuzz
AZ bird luvr:
Brown Thrasher in its younger days