textpert: Come on, people!
textpert: Take it for granite
textpert: Pesky clouds...
textpert: Ah, wilderness!
textpert: Deja view?
textpert: A wee bit cloudy again...
textpert: Me and lil sister and big pink dome
textpert: Say "teeth falling out!" *click*
textpert: 3 of 7
textpert: Obligatory "you shooting me shooting you photo"
textpert: Hold on to your hats!
textpert: Hydration is key!
textpert: Flowers, granite, scrub = byootiful
textpert: Egad! Call CSI!
textpert: Proudfeet!
textpert: The eldest sib
textpert: Future's so bright, but forgot to wear shades
textpert: Holy melanoma, Batman! Put your hat back on!
textpert: Yes. More granite.
textpert: Gunga Din stops for self-portrait
textpert: Rock rohrshach #1
textpert: Rock rohrschach #2
textpert: Hola, flores!
textpert: Rock rohrschach #3
textpert: Turkey Peak
textpert: Rock rohrschach #4
textpert: Rock rohrschach #5
textpert: King's throne
textpert: Granite granite granite
textpert: Rock rohrschach #6