textpert: That '70s Show
textpert: On the count of three, say "transsubstantiation!"
textpert: Fashion sense begins with baby steps
textpert: Halloweenies
textpert: Catholic much?
textpert: Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Brackenridge
textpert: Hey, sailor
textpert: How it all began
textpert: Papillon
textpert: Mad for plaid
textpert: At peace
textpert: Good for what ails ya
textpert: Chug-a-lug! Chug-a-lug!
textpert: Ze dance floor
textpert: Mas neon, part deux
textpert: Mas neon
textpert: Hey-ay
textpert: Avast!
textpert: Neon, ne-off
textpert: Los Cuatros Amigos
textpert: Beware the Snaggle-Toothed One
textpert: My dogs are tired
textpert: Drink me
textpert: The boneyard
textpert: Stylin'...
textpert: skates skates skates
textpert: Time to go home
textpert: Man's best friend?
textpert: Y'all know who you are
textpert: Emasculation