petefreeman75: Rosedale East mines
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petefreeman75: Are the sheep on a continuation of this path or on their own path
petefreeman75: Its a well wedged stone, with Quarries beyond
petefreeman75: Is that C G
petefreeman75: Waymarker with High Baring ruins beyond, & a very uneven moorland above from mining I presume
petefreeman75: There's steps here
petefreeman75: Steps of a sort between me & the stone
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petefreeman75: Arriving at High Baring ruins
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petefreeman75: Ruined buildings at High Baring, Rosedale East mines
petefreeman75: High Baring back to back miners cottages
petefreeman75: Seem to be a lot of chimney lines on these buildings at High Baring, what were they, were they just accomodation for mine workers a fire place in every room to keep them warm, in this exposed position