petefreeman75: A thatched cottage in Rievaulx - from the Moorsbus
petefreeman75: Easterside Hill - from the moorsbus
petefreeman75: I got dropped off just back there
petefreeman75: There's me footpath
petefreeman75: Into the wet soggy wilderness of the Magna Via
petefreeman75: Any ideas folks?
petefreeman75: This ancient track known as the Great Road ( Magna Via) this was the route used by the Conqueror on his return to York in 1069 after his “Harrying” of the North.
petefreeman75: _DSC5898
petefreeman75: Bilsdale TV mast on the left
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petefreeman75: Looking up into Tripsdale, from the South
petefreeman75: Looking up (north) Bilsdale to Hasty Bank & Cold Moor
petefreeman75: rising above the farm, upper Bilsdale beyond
petefreeman75: Oh no, cattle ahead
petefreeman75: Glad to get past them cattle
petefreeman75: feels like an real olde road here
petefreeman75: Looking back to Easterside Hill
petefreeman75: Bilsdale from a high stile
petefreeman75: ooops they've seen me, time to go
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petefreeman75: The stile onto the moor
petefreeman75: now where is it
petefreeman75: High cloud over Bilsdale
petefreeman75: a bit of a path here
petefreeman75: path then bog, repeat
petefreeman75: Old road or rabbit path
petefreeman75: A view over the top at last