petefreeman75: Got dropped off here by the Moorsbus at Margery Bradley a boundary stone in between the Lion Inn & Ralps Cross, on the North York Moors
petefreeman75: Got dropped off here by the Moorsbus at Margery Bradley a boundary stone in between the Lion Inn & Ralps Cross, on the North York Moors
petefreeman75: _DSC5737
petefreeman75: Looking down Rosedale
petefreeman75: Glad I'm wearing wellies for this bit
petefreeman75: Rosedale
petefreeman75: Found this trod like stones crossing my path here
petefreeman75: One of the many moor coal pits
petefreeman75: Another waymarker ahead
petefreeman75: Nowt on this side
petefreeman75: Think this said "Spaunton" once
petefreeman75: Most likely "Westerdale"
petefreeman75: Westerdale side looking into Rosedale
petefreeman75: One of the weathered moor coal spoil heaps
petefreeman75: Fat Betty in sight
petefreeman75: Fat Betty or White cross
petefreeman75: _DSC5752
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petefreeman75: _DSC5756
petefreeman75: _DSC5757
petefreeman75: _DSC5758
petefreeman75: _DSC5759
petefreeman75: Castleton rigg ahead
petefreeman75: Blakey 2 miles
petefreeman75: Anyone know what this says, the lights bad
petefreeman75: Can't quite make it out a shot closer might show it
petefreeman75: Danby Road
petefreeman75: Castleton 4 miles