petefreeman75: More sights around Farndale - roadside birches
petefreeman75: More sights around Farndale - yes its tupping time
petefreeman75: More sights around Farndale
petefreeman75: More sights around Farndale
petefreeman75: More sights around Farndale
petefreeman75: Sea of cloud
petefreeman75: Golden bracken swaithes the sides of Farndale
petefreeman75: Farndale with a dusting of snow
petefreeman75: Wind blown snow clouds over surprize view
petefreeman75: Just a big tease
petefreeman75: Green dale, brown sides
petefreeman75: The remains of the trod at Elm House, Farndale
petefreeman75: The remains of the trod at Elm House, Farndale
petefreeman75: The remains of the trod at Elm House, Farndale
petefreeman75: The remains of the trod at Elm House, Farndale
petefreeman75: Not been ploughed in a while
petefreeman75: Cloudy today
petefreeman75: Enjoying the sunshine
petefreeman75: Looking south from Cockpit howe across The Lion Inn to the continuation of Blakey Rigg with Rosedale to the left & Farndale to the right
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petefreeman75: Well thats heading south now so if I go right here I might end up where I want to go
petefreeman75: Line of shooting butts with Farndale beyond
petefreeman75: Lots of big boulders here
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