SvetNickol: Apples season
SvetNickol: По дороге в Старицу. километров эдак 200 от Москвы
SvetNickol: Country side somewhere around 200 km from Moscow
SvetNickol: Staritsa town panorama
SvetNickol: Village cats
SvetNickol: For those who has visited St.Petersburg: this is not Chesme Church. The same architect, but this is Church of Transfiguration in Krasnaya village around 50 km from Staritsa town.
SvetNickol: Church of Transfiguration in Krasnaya village
SvetNickol: Parked and forgotten
SvetNickol: Старица. Церковь Параскевы Пятницы
SvetNickol: Old, almost destroyed but still alive church
SvetNickol: Old, almost destroyed but still alive church
SvetNickol: Old, almost destroyed but still alive church
SvetNickol: Old, almost destroyed but still alive church