Kevin Standlee:
Stone Cold Parking
Kevin Standlee:
Stone Cold Parking
Kevin Standlee:
Levi's Stadium
Kevin Standlee:
Doctor Bear
Kevin Standlee:
Doctor Bear
Kevin Standlee:
Doctor Bear
Kevin Standlee:
Portland in 2016 Westercon bid table at BayCon 2014.
Kevin Standlee:
Airship Shape & Bristol Fashion for sale at Cargo Cult Books table at BayCon 2014.
Kevin Standlee:
Steam Punky Brewster
Kevin Standlee:
More great costumes at #BayCon2014
Kevin Standlee:
#BayCon2015 Fan table area on mezzanine a great place to see great outfits.
Kevin Standlee:
#BayCon2014 lobby costumes
Kevin Standlee:
FanimeCon overlap with #BayCon2014
Kevin Standlee:
Wednesday on Sunday at #BayCon2014
Kevin Standlee:
The Librarian Prince and St. Offern at #BayCon2014
Kevin Standlee:
Furry fan at #BayCon2014.