Rachel and Hugh: View from George's room
Rachel and Hugh: Exploring the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: James exploring the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: James exploring the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: James exploring the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: George mashing the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: Sunset over the dunes outside our house
Rachel and Hugh: Sunset over the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: Sunset over the dunes opposite our house
Rachel and Hugh: Our neighbour's house!
Rachel and Hugh: Still not our house (it is to the right)
Rachel and Hugh: View from the roof of our house!
Rachel and Hugh: George and the sand dunes
Rachel and Hugh: George and the sand dunes
Rachel and Hugh: Meercat at Al Ain Zoo
Rachel and Hugh: Meercat at Al Ain Zoo
Rachel and Hugh: James, George and cat
Rachel and Hugh: At the zoo in the dark, first evening
Rachel and Hugh: First scuba skill - floating
Rachel and Hugh: First scuba skill - floating
Rachel and Hugh: First scuba skill - floating
Rachel and Hugh: Not sunbathing