bongo.fafillionaire: In which we have to throw away half our stuff at Heathrow
bongo.fafillionaire: First night in Lisbon - steak or fish
bongo.fafillionaire: We really love running errands
bongo.fafillionaire: International Party Store Professionals
bongo.fafillionaire: The view from our apartment in Lisbon
bongo.fafillionaire: we should really buy this house.
bongo.fafillionaire: Lisbon = European San Francisco
bongo.fafillionaire: Belem Tower
bongo.fafillionaire: Destiny really loves when I take touristy pictures of her.
bongo.fafillionaire: Belem Tower
bongo.fafillionaire: Look at us having fun!
bongo.fafillionaire: So much fun
bongo.fafillionaire: Our Lisbon friends
bongo.fafillionaire: tiny trench coat
bongo.fafillionaire: with Pedro, king of the Musicbox
bongo.fafillionaire: One of these things is not like the other...