Loving Wanderer 12: View of Mont St. Michel, from Couesnon, Normandy
Loving Wanderer 12: Mont St. Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Mont St. Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Mont St. Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Northeast entrance,Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Northeast wall section, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Porte d'Avancee, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: View of tower, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Base turret and small garden, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Outside tour center, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Cranny, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Glass wall, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Entrance to Grand Rue, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: East battlement, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Coat of Order, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Porte de Roi, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Door to dungeon, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Steps to refectory, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Passage to courtyard, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Marche, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: West passage to courtyard, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Section of wall and archway, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Jeanne d' Arc, Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: L'Eglise St. Pierre,Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: L'Eglise St. Pierre,Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Homage to St. Michel, L'Eglise St. Pierre,Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: St. Anne reading to Mary, L'Eglise St. Pierre,Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Chapel of St. Edme, L'Eglise St. Pierre,Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: St. Michael Killing a Dragon,, L'Eglise St. Pierre,Mont Saint-Michel
Loving Wanderer 12: Eagle guarding the Bible, L'Eglise St. Pierre,Mont Saint-Michel