Loving Wanderer 12: Ceiling, Henri de Valois Hunting Room
Loving Wanderer 12: Ceiling, Henri de Valois Hunting Room
Loving Wanderer 12: Ceiling, Henri de Valois Hunting Room
Loving Wanderer 12: Ceiling, Henri de Valois Hunting Room
Loving Wanderer 12: Entrance to Apollo Gallery, Henri de Valois Hunting Room
Loving Wanderer 12: Ceiling, Henri de Valois Hunting Room
Loving Wanderer 12: Hall of Queen Anna, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Hall of Queen Anna, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Henri of Navarre, Scuplture and Portrait
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Two Crowns, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Two Crowns, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Crystal and lapis lazuli, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Henri IV, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Francois I, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Louis XIV, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre
Loving Wanderer 12: Homage to Holy Family, Great Hall of Louis XIV, Louvre