Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Scotch Thistle, day one (Onopordum acanthium).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Rain drop, expired Spirea leaf.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Dead leaves. False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: White coneflower (Echinacea purpurea ‘White Swan').
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) after a rain.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Pink Inchworm (Eupithecia miserulata) on a Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Hanging Teapot Vase - created by Doug and Anna. Cleverly attractive. Elegantly clever.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Long-jawed Orbweaver (Tetragnatha spp.)
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: To Eat, Byward Market, Ottawa, 1995.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Green Leaves. Myrtle Spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites). My thanks to Ursula and Ken for the loan of their garden, and for tracking down the name of this plant with its graceful and somewhat alluring leaves.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Dead leaves. False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Leaves, Queen Anne's Lace.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Saxon chapel, Norman tower, SW England, 1998. The little girl, in little red boots, has just placed a bouquet of flowers on the nearby grave.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Syrphid Flies indulging, precariously, in hanky panky in the Blue Chicory Motel (Cichorium intybus).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Purple Mountain Cornflower buds - including some purple bits (Centaurea montana).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Earwig nibbling on a Scotch Thistle. My thanks to Don Lafontaine for identifying this insect.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Dwarf Hollyhock, Zebrina (Malva Sylvestris).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Sedum 'Kamtschaticum' (Stonecrop).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: White-faced Meadowhawk Dragon Fly (Sympetrum obtrusum).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Free books. Get literate.
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Lilies, languorous (Lilium rhodopeum).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Lilies (Lilium rhodopeum).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Scotch Thistle - at High Noon (Onopordum acanthium).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Golden Woman (Aurea domina).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Astilbe (× arendsii Fanal).
Gerry Porter, Ottawa: Graveyard, Ferryland; Newfoundland, February 1972.