aecregent: Doubles (1)
aecregent: Doubles (2)
aecregent: Doubles (3)
aecregent: Doubles (4)
aecregent: Doubles (5)
aecregent: Doubles (6)
aecregent: Doubles (7)
aecregent: Doubles (8)
aecregent: 43357 & 43358, King's Lynn, 09/05/08 (Doubles 9)
aecregent: 34867 & 34862 Exeter 07/10/07 (Doubles 10)
aecregent: 2 x 66s for the price of one! (Doubles 11)
aecregent: Citybus 72 & 14, Royal Parade, 18/04/08 (Doubles 12)
aecregent: 18077 & 18063, Fleet Walk, Torquay, 11/03/08 (Doubles 13)
aecregent: 32438 & 32084, Teignouth, 23/06/08 (Doubles 14)
aecregent: 19322 & 19324, Teignmouth, 23/06/08 (Doubles 15)
aecregent: 65531 & 65532, King's Lynn, 09/05/08 (Doubles 16)
aecregent: 18078 & 18075, Strand, Torquay, 30/05/08 (Doubles 17)
aecregent: 18077 & 18061, Strand, Torquay, 26/08/08 (Doubles 18)
aecregent: Cardiff Bus 152 & 188, Cardiff, 24/01/09 (Doubles 19)
aecregent: Cardiff Bus 240 & 151 (Doubles 20)
aecregent: 34173 & 34174, Taunton, 09/01/09 (Doubles 21)
aecregent: WK58EAA & WK58EAC, Exeter, 15/04/09 (Doubles 22)
aecregent: 37584 & 37583, Exeter, 15/04/09 (Doubles 23)
aecregent: 47082 & 47100, Exeter, 15/04/09 (Doubles 24)
aecregent: DD5 & DD3, Kingston Upon Thames, 13/05/09 (Doubles 25)
aecregent: TA250 & TA221, Kingston Upon Thames, 13/05/09 (Doubles 26)
aecregent: Oxford Tubes 50105 & 50106 (Doubles 27)
aecregent: 19313 & 19312, Cambridge, 15/06/09 (Doubles 28)
aecregent: 19312 & 19313, Cambridge, 15/06/09(Doubles 29)
aecregent: 30903 & 30889, King's Lynn, 11/06/09 (Doubles 30)