find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: living above the Double Bubble
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: with a view of Skokie and Lincolnwood (Winston Towers)
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: the suspicious Three Legged Tacos
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: with a view of Warren Park
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: living across from the Robert A. Black Public Golf Course in Warren Park
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: entering Chicago via the North Shore Channel
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: North Shore Channel into the city
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High School
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: Yeshiva Ohr Boruch Veitzener Chedar
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: living above Daallo Halaal
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: Bernard Horwich Building -- an affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago