jewells68: BabyBrainiacFinished1
jewells68: jellybabyicon
jewells68: yellowpeaceknittedsquareforjen
jewells68: Purr of Approval1
jewells68: Purr of Approval 2
jewells68: WIP Chunky Log Cabin
jewells68: 2009Timetorake3
jewells68: 09TimetoRake2
jewells68: Sweater#2 New Wool Boogaloo stckntte
jewells68: Sweater#2 New WoolBoogaloo3
jewells68: Fiesta Nov09 PkgLot3
jewells68: Fiesta Nov09 PkgLot2
jewells68: Fiesta Nov09 PkgLot1.jpg
jewells68: phebe painting
jewells68: Baby Kue's Baby Brainiac Blankie 006
jewells68: Baby Kue's Baby Brainiac Blankie 004
jewells68: Baby Kue's Baby Brainiac Blankie 003crop
jewells68: Baby Kue's Baby Brainiac Blankie 003
jewells68: 12in Square swap 009
jewells68: 12in Square swap 007
jewells68: 12in Square swap 005
jewells68: 12in Square swap 003
jewells68: 12in Square swap 002
jewells68: Baby Brainac Blankie prog 7-7-09 crop
jewells68: Baby Brainac Blanie progress 7-7-09
jewells68: Mom's Log Cabin1
jewells68: Mom's Log Cabin2
jewells68: Mom's Log Cabin3
jewells68: me and ponch2
jewells68: jen's purple footies crop