weecottagewonders: day 2 paintings 3c
weecottagewonders: day 2 paintings 3d
floresita: stitching more leaves
floresita: Adding some crewel threads
Paintjam / Jacqueline: Blob animals made in class #imaginarycreatures by #carlasonheim. Create a blob and find the creature in it. Having fun! #sketch #sketchbook #inspirational #colourbookstudio
Paintjam / Jacqueline: Drawing textures for the #imaginarycreatures class from #carlasonheim. These are made for the blob animals!
Kay Foley: Day5Painting3
Kay Foley: Day5Painting2
Kay Foley: Day5Painting1
redeemedat8: blob animal8
crimson43: yellow
bangerlm: IMG_9227
weecottagewonders: day 2 paintings 5b
bangerlm: IMG_9219
jamamakitty: bad ass quail
weecottagewonders: contours 1
weecottagewonders: blind contours 2
jandikk: scribble with intent
sherrimarie848: selfimportant dude,step2
TinaNaya'li: IMG_4378
beansprout75: Day 4 Paint - Two Birds
beansprout75: Day 4 Draw - Scribbles
chiarasahin: day4_tek3
bangerlm: lesson3