Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: With the fam, Wonderland Park, Boulder, Colorado
Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: Bear attempts to attack girl, snowboarding
Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: George & Bonita Dannells, Rahmat & Taraz
Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: George, Rahmat, Taraz, Rabbit Mountain Hike
Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: George, Rahmat, Taraz
Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: Rabbit Mountain - George, Taraz, Rahmat
Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: Taraz, Rahmat, Rabbit Mountain, Boulder Foothills
Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie: Rahmat Dannells, Taraz Dannells