Alan Thornhill: Median wasp
Alan Thornhill: Solitary wasps, Ectemnius species
Alan Thornhill: Gasteruption jaculator
Alan Thornhill: Agelena labyrinthica
Alan Thornhill: Wasp and bee
Alan Thornhill: Anoplius viaticus
Alan Thornhill: Pompilid wasp with spider prey
Alan Thornhill: European hornet
Alan Thornhill: Unknown Bombus species
Alan Thornhill: Ichneumon
Alan Thornhill: Bee wolf
Alan Thornhill: Ancistrocerus sp.
Alan Thornhill: Jet black ants
Alan Thornhill: Osmia sp.
Alan Thornhill: Two bees
Alan Thornhill: Jewel wasp.
Alan Thornhill: Wool carder bee
Alan Thornhill: Sphinctus serotinus
Alan Thornhill: Cerceris rybyensis