WWALS Watershed Coalition: Tom Baird is the one --Don Davis
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Thanks to Don Davis --Tom Baird
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Angel turns the slides
WWALS Watershed Coalition: The dry Paleo-Indian era 14,000 or more years ago
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Fish weirs in the archaic era
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Atlatls in the woodland period
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Politics and mounds in the woodland period
WWALS Watershed Coalition: 1839 inverted names
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Little or Suwannee
WWALS Watershed Coalition: 1834 Hamilton Co. FL
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Swithlacoochee Hamilton Co. FL
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Modern names in Florida
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Troupville Queen City
WWALS Watershed Coalition: Troupville archaeology