MaryLou1298: "Chick-a-dee-dee-dee"
MaryLou1298: "Feeling Guilty, huh?"
MaryLou1298: "I'm thinking."
MaryLou1298: "You're Disturbing My Walk"
MaryLou1298: A Raptor
MaryLou1298: A Strange Cat
MaryLou1298: American Albino Horse
MaryLou1298: American Goldfinch
MaryLou1298: American House Finch
MaryLou1298: Black-capped Chickadee
MaryLou1298: Bluejay in Magnolia
MaryLou1298: By The Sea
MaryLou1298: Dragonfly
MaryLou1298: Eastern Bluebird
MaryLou1298: Gathered Together
MaryLou1298: Giraffe at the Jackson Zoo
MaryLou1298: Have A Great Day
MaryLou1298: Help Needed
MaryLou1298: His Shelter
MaryLou1298: Horse Talk
MaryLou1298: Hummingbees
MaryLou1298: It's Twilight Time
MaryLou1298: Mama Cat
MaryLou1298: MY CAT
MaryLou1298: On Display
MaryLou1298: Out Of Focus
MaryLou1298: Popcorn Any Birdy?
MaryLou1298: Purple Martins
MaryLou1298: Red-Bellied Woodpecker