Little Miss Go Go:
"Now, you see, Dean..."
Little Miss Go Go:
Linda Go Go and I
Little Miss Go Go:
Thee Women of The Cave
Little Miss Go Go:
Little Miss Go Go:
Little Miss Go Go:
me & Nancy
Little Miss Go Go:
Miriam and husband DJ
Little Miss Go Go:
Dean and Evel
Little Miss Go Go:
John in his Fez Beacon
Little Miss Go Go:
Little Miss Go Go:
Little Miss Go Go:
in the Gugenheim!
Little Miss Go Go:
Todd, Dean & Elvia hailing a cab
Little Miss Go Go:
Belvedere Castle in Central Park
Little Miss Go Go:
Breakfast at Barney Greengrass
Little Miss Go Go:
Little Miss Go Go:
Riding on the Metro, o, o...
Little Miss Go Go:
one for Kristine and Grant!
Little Miss Go Go:
Pizza at Ray's was THE BEST!
Little Miss Go Go:
Dean with Dudes from Denver
Little Miss Go Go:
Elvia & Todd
Little Miss Go Go:
with Dean and Audrey
Little Miss Go Go:
in the phone booth
Little Miss Go Go:
Todd at the Aftah-Pahhhty
Little Miss Go Go:
Little Miss Go Go:
Dean at Cavestomp
Little Miss Go Go:
Linda and her husband met at Cavestomp
Little Miss Go Go:
Tour Guide for Grand Central tour
Little Miss Go Go:
Todd, Elvia & Dean at Grand Central
Little Miss Go Go: