scott185 (the original): A Christmas Season Weekend in Central NC
scott185 (the original): NC - Lexington - Inside the Bob Timberlake Gallery
scott185 (the original): NC - Lexington - At the Richard Childress Vineyards
scott185 (the original): NC - Lexington - Christmas Outside the Richard Childress Vineyard
scott185 (the original): NC - Davidson County - Lexington - More Christmas at the Richard Childress Vineyard
scott185 (the original): NC - Lexington - Outside the Bob Timberlake Gallery
scott185 (the original): NC - Rowan County - North Carolina Transportation Museum aka Spencer Shops
scott185 (the original): Saturday/Sunday Stay-cations
scott185 (the original): NC - Rowan County - Spencer Shops Roundhouse
scott185 (the original): Testing the Limits
scott185 (the original): NC - Rowan County - Spencer Shops
scott185 (the original): Grilled Weekly Specials
scott185 (the original): (Archives) NC - Davidson County - Picnik at the Richard Childress Vineyards
scott185 (the original): (Archives) NC - Davidson County - Childress Vineyards
scott185 (the original): In Memory and Gratitude - One Name on a Wall
scott185 (the original): NC Transportation Museum Barber Station
scott185 (the original): NC Transportation Museum Roundhouse
scott185 (the original): NC - North Carolina Transportation Museum
scott185 (the original): NC - North Carolina Transportation Museum
scott185 (the original): NC - North Carolina Transportation Museum
scott185 (the original): NC - North Carolina Transportation Museum
scott185 (the original): NC - Rowan County - Spencer
scott185 (the original): NC - Rowan County - Spencer
scott185 (the original): NC - Rowan County - Spencer
scott185 (the original): NC - Christmas at Richard Childress Vineyard
scott185 (the original): NC - Spencer - North Carolina Transportation Museum - Restored depot from Barber Junction
scott185 (the original): NC - Spencer - North Carolina Transportation Museum
scott185 (the original): NC - Spencer - North Carolina Transportation Museum
scott185 (the original): NC - Spencer - North Carolina Transportation Museum
scott185 (the original): NC - Spencer - North Carolina Transportation Museum