scott185 (the original): Six Cats in One Pic
scott185 (the original): Barnaby In Basket
scott185 (the original): Barnaby on the PC
scott185 (the original): Dudley Close Up
scott185 (the original): Moe on the Bed
scott185 (the original): Jake in his Bed
scott185 (the original): Jake with Nylabone
scott185 (the original): LJ - Finally Another Seal Point Siamese
scott185 (the original): LJ's Favorite Spot under the PC Desk
scott185 (the original): Ethan on the Laundry Cabinet
scott185 (the original): Cotton Sleeping
scott185 (the original): Iris - the Grand Cat
scott185 (the original): Sadie - the Grand Pit
scott185 (the original): Barnaby in the Christmas Tree
scott185 (the original): Barnaby with the Yarn
scott185 (the original): Chelsea with Barnaby
scott185 (the original): The Four Cats from Utah
scott185 (the original): Two Orange Tabbies & a Dryer
scott185 (the original): Patches and Barnaby
scott185 (the original): Dudley Sleeping on his Back
scott185 (the original): Four Cats on the Bed