Liz Pidgeon: Boy with tennis racquet
Liz Pidgeon: Luge is a winter sport in which one or two competitors race down a steeply banked, ice-covered course on a sledge
Liz Pidgeon: Lacrosse is a fast team sport
Liz Pidgeon: snowmobile
Liz Pidgeon: The giant slalom is a main event in most Alpine, or downhill, skiing competitions.
Liz Pidgeon: The thrill of sailing attracts many people to this exciting sport
Liz Pidgeon: The Foster Experience Latrobe Tasmania
Liz Pidgeon: Greetings from Rosebud Vic
Liz Pidgeon: Greetings from Rosebud Vic
Liz Pidgeon: Centenary of the Australian Football League
Liz Pidgeon: Centenary of the Australian Football League
Liz Pidgeon: Centenary of the Australian Football League
Liz Pidgeon: "Oppy" Rochester, Vic.
Liz Pidgeon: Olympic Stadium Munich
Liz Pidgeon: Andy McDonald longest jump in history, 16.10 metres. October 14, 1999