Liz Pidgeon: 100 years of service to the nation
Liz Pidgeon: Shrine of Rememberance
Liz Pidgeon: Artois
Liz Pidgeon: The Elks' Memorial Chicago, Illinois
Liz Pidgeon: For We are Young and Free
Liz Pidgeon: Plymouth Navy Week : Destructions from the air
Liz Pidgeon: Plymouth Navy Week : Destructions from the air
Liz Pidgeon: Cologne, Germany, 1945
Liz Pidgeon: Tobruk Park Ulverstone Tasmania
Liz Pidgeon: Simpson and his Donkey statue, Melbourne
Liz Pidgeon: "The Gray Ghost" exhibits on the Queen Mary shipwreck depicting the ship's service as a troopship during World War 11
Liz Pidgeon: Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, Victoria
Liz Pidgeon: Tyne Cot
Liz Pidgeon: National Geographic Society, Washington D.C.
Liz Pidgeon: Vietnam War Memorial
Liz Pidgeon: Marine Memorial, Washington Monument and Capitol Building, Washington D.C.
Liz Pidgeon: Cologne Cathedral, Germany
Liz Pidgeon: Lotta Musa
Liz Pidgeon: Canada 1918-2018
Liz Pidgeon: During WW2, German bombs destroyed much of London
Liz Pidgeon: History books bring to life the important events of the past. This illustration from a modern history book dramatically describes and portrays Allied military victories during World War II
Liz Pidgeon: Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge is the state's largest university.
Liz Pidgeon: Remembering the end
Liz Pidgeon: Remembering the end-back
Liz Pidgeon: les troupes américaines poursuivent leur debarquement
Liz Pidgeon: Postcard: reproduction of USA Army Recruitment Poster
Liz Pidgeon: Gross-Rosen Museum, Memorial and bell tower, Poland
Liz Pidgeon: Kiev. The Ukranian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
Liz Pidgeon: Kiev. The Ukranian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
Liz Pidgeon: USS Arizona Memorial, Hawaii