sk8r: bloop bloop bloop
sk8r: yuppeeee at U.P.
sk8r: newly old
sk8r: close up smile.. (wishing i had teeth)
sk8r: yin and yang
sk8r: mom's not looking..
sk8r: eye of the tornado
sk8r: who's the fairest of them all?
sk8r: baby book worm
sk8r: wonder
sk8r: surrender
sk8r: sleeping in baby colors
sk8r: 100% pure angelic
sk8r: Forever in my heart
sk8r: will i ever..
sk8r: Bath time
sk8r: nyeh nyeh nyeh
sk8r: lets go to the gym
sk8r: tarsier
sk8r: cabbage patch
sk8r: someone who'll watch over me..
sk8r: having a heart to heart talk
sk8r: leisure reading with a koala bear
sk8r: grumpy cute
sk8r: we're excited!!