nushuz: ~Paint me a Birmingham~
nushuz: ~Just a spoonful of bokeh helps the medicine go down~
nushuz: ~~Is it Spring yet? HFF~~
nushuz: ~Winter can be so cold for those with no warm memories~
nushuz: ~There's no escaping the addiction~
nushuz: ~I'll give you a daisy a day~
nushuz: ~Frozen in time~
nushuz: ~Cold Hearted~
nushuz: Hearts, wine and candy.
nushuz: ~Is there a "doctor" in the house?~
nushuz: ~Tiptoe~
nushuz: ~Sweets for my sweet~
nushuz: ~Elegance~
nushuz: ~Clink...Cheers..Happy Birthday, Keven~
nushuz: ~Rhythm of the rain..~
nushuz: ~Be my Valentine~
nushuz: ~No matter how you stack's Amore~
nushuz: ~Berry bokeh'd breakfast~
nushuz: ~Soft as a whisper~
nushuz: ~Mellow Yellow~
nushuz: ~Put your head on my shoulder...~
nushuz: ~Happy Birthday~
nushuz: ~Happy first day of spring!~
nushuz: ~I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers..Claude Monet~
nushuz: ~"B" is for....~
nushuz: ~Things are looking up~
nushuz: ~Essence of Spring~
nushuz: ~You just keep me hanging on~
nushuz: ~Dainty daisy~
nushuz: ~Take a bow~