nushuz: If the crown fits....HFF!
nushuz: Milo!!!! Be a gentleman! HFF!!!
nushuz: I always feel like dancing on Friday! HFF!!
nushuz: Daddy's laptop is "fried", so I have a new bed....
nushuz: WHAT!?! My Sox lost again..?!? HFF!!
nushuz: ROFL..good one..videos on flickr?! I thought it was for "photo" sharing...
nushuz: "Tango," anyone...Happy Furry Friday!
nushuz: How's this pose, Mom...cute?
nushuz: Looking for Spring.....
nushuz: If I could just figure out how to get in there, I'd have him!
nushuz: Milo says "a bird in the hand..err worth two in the bush!"
nushuz: Even when I'm "grumpy" on Mondays, Mom says I'm still handsome....
nushuz: Uh...What's up, "Doc!"
nushuz: St Patrick's Day is over for another year, Milo...
nushuz: Lemme know when Monday's over...Happy mewin Monday from Milo!
nushuz: Keeping up with the leprechauns is tiring business..
nushuz: Top 'o the mornin to ya............
nushuz: Honest..I've seen leprechauns in the night, Mom!
nushuz:'s here! Another Monday! Happy Mewin Monday from Milo!
nushuz: Help me, Mitz! I found the treats!
nushuz: Argghh..Did somebody say it's Monday!?
nushuz: Hey mikenpo, I'm holding your "mousie" hostage...
nushuz: I hate it when Mom's sick..I have to feed myself...
nushuz: ...Define "cattitude..."
nushuz: Bleah...yuk..I may never party again..
nushuz: Take me out to the ballgame....(happy furry Friday!)
nushuz: Will you be my Valentine?
nushuz: ..Really..How bout a little game of "cat and mouse..."
nushuz: Please Mr. Postman, look and see...
nushuz: Hell-o-o-o..."birdies!"