nushuz: Lollipop..lollipop..sweetness X's two!
nushuz: Santa's "Sweeties.."
nushuz: Santa left me some elves...
nushuz: They looked up..and saw a Star...
nushuz: And..Santa, thank you for the catnip, the mice, the tuna snacks....
nushuz: Thank You, Santa Baby...!
nushuz: Big, beautiful baby blues....
nushuz: I need to call Georgie and see if he's o.k...
nushuz: Then..the squirrel said to the kitty..c'mon..put up your dukes!
nushuz: Our "hearts" are full of love and peace for all our flickr friends! Happy New Year!
nushuz: Colby Jack
nushuz: Eww..somebody needs odor eaters...
nushuz: C'mon, Milo...this new trampoline is fun..
nushuz: I want to watch Animal Planet...(Happy Furry Friday, flickr friends!)
nushuz: Bedtime, Mom! Flickr will still be there in the morning!
nushuz: 2008...The road ahead..(day 1/366)
nushuz: A toast to the New Year...(day 2/366)
nushuz: Don't stick your tongue out at me..I'll get my brother Milo!
nushuz: Reflections of a New Year..
nushuz: MILO!!! Keep your "paws" off the ladies...(day 7/366)
nushuz: Do I smell carrots? (day 8/366)
nushuz: "Private" sunset made to share....
nushuz: I'm "Innocent," I swear....
nushuz: LOL, kitty! Tell us again who told you we taste like chicken!
nushuz: The "Lakers" dancers....(day 6/366)
nushuz: Up, up and away...
nushuz: Whoa..where did the "snow"go!
nushuz: Advice, kitty..just when you think you've won the rat race, along come the "faster" rats..
nushuz: Taking a picture of the picture taker...
nushuz: Argghh..Do they make Special "K"for kitties?!