Words on Water: state of the art transportation a few years ago
Words on Water: Belgium crosses pulling stage coach
Words on Water: Size comparison of man to horse
Words on Water: Draft horses
Words on Water: Whiplash the monkey on border collie, sheep were involved
Words on Water: Picked up and dusted off
Words on Water: Mutton Busting: this was the scariest part of the show for me
Words on Water: Just lie down and this will all be over quickly
Words on Water: Cowboy and horse chasing him down
Words on Water: Steer coming out of the gate
Words on Water: Outrider
Words on Water: Amazing that not one of them went to the hospital
Words on Water: if any horse could fly it would be one of these
Words on Water: Average age of bronco busters is about 20.
Words on Water: Another short ride, longest was 90 seconds
Words on Water: Another short ride
Words on Water: Almost out of the gate
Words on Water: and one on his way
Words on Water: Rodeo clowns, not such a funny job
Words on Water: Another flying cowboy
Words on Water: The bulls just keeps winning
Words on Water: Bull riding
Words on Water: That was one mean horse
Words on Water: because staying on a bull is even harder than you might imagine
Words on Water: Only have to stay on for 8 seconds, only two did
Words on Water: tiny dancer and rodeo princess
Words on Water: Osaycanuc
Words on Water: Waiting for the show
Words on Water: Larry and I before the show
Words on Water: Me, again