Words on Water: Explosions lighting up the night sky
Words on Water: Big blue flapping in the very cold breeze
Words on Water: My favorite part of the recovery party
Words on Water: Dancing flamingo
Words on Water: Otherwise normal friend sings Mac the Knife
Words on Water: Pin trading in front of the Union Iowa State
Words on Water: The future
Words on Water: Inside the cottage
Words on Water: The artists pose
Words on Water: World Problem Captain
Words on Water: Artwork from Asia
Words on Water: Fake donuts dinner plate size
Words on Water: At dinner day 2 with friend from NC
Words on Water: Day 1, loved the way this bird walked
Words on Water: Late afternoon in a small Iowa town
Words on Water: Midday over the Mississippi
Words on Water: Now it's just a way to cross the Ohio into Indiana
Words on Water: It looked so scary from a distance
Words on Water: Bridge that used to terrify me as a child
Words on Water: No you cannot go with us, sorry kitty