SewLibra: Since I've made these shorts before and the pattern is already altered, decided to use it again for the shorts portion of my summer mini-capsule wardrobe.
SewLibra: Will be using this 70% rayon/30% linen blend sage palm print for this pattern. I have enough for both pants and shorts since I got the end roll!
SewLibra: The tops of the back pockets are stabilized with woven interfacing. I ran a line of machine basting starting a couple of inches above the first curve, across the bottom and up a couple inches from the second curve for gathering.
SewLibra: This fabric is floppy and frays badly so I used a LOT of pins to hold the shape until I could get the gathers and sides pressed. The gathers really help to get decent looking curves.
SewLibra: I see a little point on the curve of the first pocket....argh. Wish I had noticed that before. Anyway, I always place the second pocket over the first to make sure they end up the same size.
SewLibra: The top of the pocket has a strip of interfacing. The layer without interfacing was crawling so I used the walking foot. Worked like a charm! Painter's tape is what I use for a guide when there isn't a line on the needle plate where I need one.
SewLibra: The markings are coming off this ruler so long ago I put tape 5/8" from the edge. It's often handy! Here I'm using it to line up fusible stay tape to stablize the pocket area. The SA is 5/8" and I want the tape right on the edge.
SewLibra: In sewing the pocket bag to the front piece I turned it so the stay tape is on top. Up against the tape is 5/8" and this way I can tell I won't stitch on the tape, just beside it.
SewLibra: For understitching the pocket bag and topstitching the front's pocket edge I used my edgestitching foot. Well...I thought so but when I put it away I realized I had grabbed the blind stitch foot instead. Haha! Oh well it worked.
SewLibra: For the French seamed bottom of the pocket bag you put right sides together, stitch 1/4" seam, trim to 1/8" (I didn't due to fraying), then turn right side out. Press and topstitch to enclose the first seam.
SewLibra: Match notches to align the pocket bags to the front pieces before sewing the fronts together. Baste along the top and sides under the pocket openings to keep in place.
SewLibra: Tried on the basted shorts and the fit was good so I serged all the inside seams. I also serged the waist and leg raw edges due to all the fraying!
SewLibra: The white elastic is softer than the beige, but I need it to be 2" so beige it is! This pattern has 5/8" SA so I need the height of the 2". This pattern is not made for an elastic waist but it's a mid-rise so I'm going for it.
SewLibra: Since this band will show I connected it with a zig zag seam instead of overlapping, pressed open the seam allowance and zig zagged on each side. I used pinking shears to cut the excess. Next time will serge instead. I forgot!
SewLibra: I quartered the waist and the elastic, then matched up pins. Then I did that one more time between each pin. I don't like to stretch real long pieces at a time. Since I serged the waist edge I won't need to serge after the band is on.
SewLibra: Stretching the elastic between pins, but I do use both hands, one in front and one behind. (Holding the phone/camera so...) This particular elastic is stiffer than I like and I won't buy this kind again!
SewLibra: The band is done. Showing both the inside and outside here, hadn't pressed it yet. I took off my label as I didn't realize the band would almost cover it. I'll put it on a seam allowance somewhere.
SewLibra: Back pockets. They don't bag out when on. We'll see how they do after sitting though!
SewLibra: I used 1" Knit-N-Stable fusible tape to give the hems some heft. The raw edge had been serged so I just pressed up the hem 1" and topstitched.
SewLibra: Pressing up my 1" hem after fusing the Knit-N-Stable. I've done all my sleeve and pant hems on this Laura Star sleeve board for many years. It's all metal and I love it!
SewLibra: My topstitching was 7/8" from the edge so I used painter's tape for a guide. I use it on my coverstitch machine too, and a piece to cover the auto thread cutter when I want to leave thread tails. Also a piece where I write the needle size currently used.
SewLibra: Even though I used a fusible tape to stablize the hems, they were still kind of floppy. I used a little spray starch but not too impressed. Once I make it through the "photo shoot" (LOL) I won't bother with spray starch.
SewLibra: Shorts done but need to go back and hem the pants.
SewLibra: Next up an olive tee, olive tank (I have a lot of that fabric) and a sage...some kind of top, not sure yet. Also a linen rayon layering shirt in ivory.
SewLibra: Shorts front.
SewLibra: Shorts and tank front.
SewLibra: Short back showing patch pockets.
SewLibra: Shorts and tank back.
SewLibra: Shorts, tank and shirt front.
SewLibra: Shorts exposed elastic waistband.