SewLibra: Front yard before CCI Roseville began tearing up our yards to install their optic cable. Taken in spring.
SewLibra: May 20 or 21, 2021. Other than mark up our yard, sidewalk and street, this was the first thing done, dig this hole at the side yard in front of meters on the ground. In the end they didn't even need that hole!
SewLibra: May 21, 2021. Trying to keep the first lumps of grass CCI removed and left out over the weekend.
SewLibra: May 21, 2021. Another hole they made and left the grass clump out to dry over the weekend.
SewLibra: May 31, 2021. Discovering contractors for CCI digging a huge hole in our yard and through tree roots of our 30 year old Chinese Pistache tree. Not happy! And what a weird angle from the camera above. Lol.
SewLibra: May 27, 2021. Between this and the Ditch Witch the noise and vibrations in our home were incredibly loud. We were told that ulitity companies have rights to a 12' easement from the sidewalk into yards. That's right outside our front door!
SewLibra: May 27, 2021. On this day they hit our water line while I was in the shower! One guy went to Home Depot for PVC pipe to fix it. No water for almost an hour.
SewLibra: May 27, 2021. Showing size and depth of largest hole. Over a period of a two weeks or so they dug up this same area several times.
SewLibra: May 27, 2021. Ditch Witch blocked us all day. No one told us ahead of time. They were digging a tunnel all through the yard to hold the pipe that will hold the optic cable.
SewLibra: May 27, 2021. Left like this overnight, grass plug upside down, soil drying out.
SewLibra: May 27, 2021. Several holes, one huge and deep, and the others by the water meter and one in the side yard. Plus the tunnel they drilled through with the Ditch Witch.
SewLibra: May 27, 2021. Another view of previous photo. I am saving all these in case our yard or tree does not recover.
SewLibra: May and into June 2021. Deep hole at side yard that wasn't even needed in the end. They finally filled it back in June 7th.
SewLibra: June 4, 2021. Slicing through the street from their new "hub" directly across the street from us. Oh gee, how did we get so lucky....sigh.
SewLibra: June 4, 2021. Running cable piping through the slice they made in the street. We were told CCI chose to tear up yards instead of streets or sidewalks because the county requires them to repave the whole street. They do not accept patches.
SewLibra: June 4, 2021. Digging up that same deep hole again. Dig, fill it in, dig, fill it in, repeat, repeat. The inconvenience and noise was maddening. Had to turn off our security cameras as these guys were taking up all our allowed clips! Grrrr!
SewLibra: June 7, digging again for the 6th to 7th time.
SewLibra: June 8, 2021. After CCI construction.
SewLibra: June 8, 2021. After CCI construction. AS of now, June 10, this how it was left and it's not even. A big lump in the middle of the yard. They are supposed to patch the areas with sod but don't know when, will have to call. This is BS!
SewLibra: June 8, 2021. After CCI construction.
SewLibra: June 8, 2021. After CCI construction.
SewLibra: June 8, 2021. After CCI construction.
SewLibra: June 8, 2021. After CCI construction. We have kept the same watering schedule, the max we are allowed here, but the workers have trampled almost every inch over and over. Our grass is dying!
SewLibra: June 16, 2021. CCI left the cover off the utility access overnight. A potential hazard, but the next day they put it back. Still no word on when we'll get new sod. I was told "after the whole neighborhood is done".
SewLibra: July 1, 2021. After waiting over a month they came out to patch the holes they made with sod. While waiting for the sod truck the guys dug out the old grass and heavily seeded the area to be under the sod.
SewLibra: I asked what kind of seed and sod they are using and was told bluegrass with shade mix. We have FESCUE grass! The sod truck came and sure enough it doesn't match AT ALL.
SewLibra: We are left with it like this, but they did order the correct sod. Hopefully it will come in next week. Meantime, are poor trampled lawn has not recovered and our stressed 30 year old Chinese Pistache tree is dropping leaves.
SewLibra: The wrong kind of sod is just laying there, not properly installed, since it will be replaced. I have no idea how they're going to get all that bluegrass seed out though! We'll probably have a mixture....sigh.
SewLibra: July 7, 2021. Finally got the correct grass patches, 90% fescue. They said the seed they laid under the bluegrass sod was fescue seed! Makes no sense but they took it out because it was growing already.
SewLibra: The lawn looks terrible from all it's been through. Our formerly nice lawn has been trampled to death but they will only patch where they made holes. It's been triple digit heat for days and we're supposed to keep the sod patches damp. Almost impossible!