This fabric from MOOD is called "Taupe Sweater Knit Printed Rayon Jersey". It's plain white on the other side so I can't use it for a long cardigan as the wrong side would show. Decided to make a long sleeved top. It looks like a real sweater knit!
Since I've made views D and B before, I already had altered the pattern. There is a 1" FBA and I had traced view B neckline to pin over view D Henley. Less tracing and storage that way!
This time I added 1" to the center front and tapered to zero at the side seams. This is a usual alteration for me but for some reason hadn't done it on this one. The 1" FBA did not create enough length for me.
In my last version I added width to the sleeves because they are tight as drafted. I drew a straight line from armscye to hem and it worked out fine on my last version. The 3/4" excess resulted in 1 1/2" more room.
The first turtleneck was too high and wide, so I removed an inch of height and cut an angle in the back seam. (More on that later.) The pattern does not have a cuff but I made and used one last time. Not planning to use the cuff on this one.
Here is the turtleneck cut and folded lengthwise. You can see how the upper neck is narrower than the lower edge, which will be sewn to the neckline. If it isn't enough I'll simply angle in more but keep the sewn edge the same so it fits the neckline.
Here is the collar folded right sides together ready for the center back seam. I'll use the Jalie 1/4" seam allowance and pivot at the fold line. I marked that point before sewing.
Now the collar is wrong sides together. This is the time to sew on your label on the inside back, before zig zagging the raw edges together.
I forgot to take a pic of the collar pinned to the neckline, but here I'm stretching the collar from pin to pin to fit the neckline. Neckline up to prevent puckers!
I used a pressing ham to press the collar down toward the bodice. I had my serger set at the widest stitch because that's 1/4" SA. Also for a knit, which doesn't ravel, I use a long stitch as well to prevent bulk.
The sleeve and bodice hems were coverstitched. It all sailed through my Janome 900CPX on factory settings, no tunneling, no skipped stitches...I love this machine!
Here I'm showing the inside and outside of my coverstitched hems. They're perfect if I do say so myself. Lol.
I didn't need it on this version, except I felt if I wear the top with jeans I might want more hip room. I added back to where I had taken it off the first time. If my future fabrics don't have a ton of stretch it will be handy.
Here is my added hip room. I would rather cut all future tops with it then trim it off if not needed. It's covered either way!