I have enough stretch crepe left from the scalloped top for a matching skirt. Found this in my pattern stash and I've never made it. Not going for the real short version so I hope I have enough to make it a good length for me.
I didn't have enough for the long version so I lengthened the short version 6". The longer you go, the more flare has to be added at the sides of the panels to keep the proper shape. Only two pieces had to be altered.
Hahaha! Crazy old lady cheerleader wannabe? I didn't want to make a muslin on this simple skirt so basted just a few inches down on all 6 seams to check the waist and make sure I could pull it up over my hips.
Going to make a Jalie-style elastic waistband that is smooth all around. I cut strips on the bias and sewed the two together. The width of my strips are: Elastic width X 2 + seam allowance X 2 + 1/4" extra. Mine were 5 1/2".
I'm using 2" wide elastic but narrower can be used. I put it around my waist and stretched it to where it felt right, pinned in place, and made sure it would go over my hips. I added 5/8" X 2 seam allowances before cutting it.
I cut the waistband the same length as my elastic, then folded and pressed the band in half lengthwise. The elastic edge is pinned to the fold line.
I had to change the position of the pins because my fabric was wiggling! I coverstitched near the edge of the elastic at the fold. DON'T STRETCH THE ELASTIC. You can use a zig zag stitch if you don't have a coverstitch machine.
The second and last row of stitching is near the other edge of the elastic. The seam allowance for that side of the band is to the right. This method is so easy! No pulling elastic through a casing or stretching while sewing.
Here the band is folded. The stitching side will be next to the skin so it won't show. The smooth side will be on the outside.
Press open the seam allowance. I don't serge here to reduce bulk. I also don't have my elastic exactly lined up. Oops! That was an easy fix though.
At this point I sewed on my personal label. I don't want the underside stitching to show of course, so opened up the band first.
I sewed all six panels of my gored skirt then serged off the excess. I have a few inches that need to be eased into the waistband. As usual I ran one line of shirring with elastic thread near the waist edge of the skirt.
I will forever sing the praises of this method! The skirt will fit into the band effortlessly with all the gathers even. I use this on sleeve caps if they're too big, and in place of elastic on some types of garments.
I've quartered the waist of the skirt and the band, marked here with pins. Each side seam, center front and center back. Now I'll match up the pins, stretch the sections between, and pin in place for sewing.
Showing here how even the fabric lies due to that line of shirring. No manipulation with your hands or fussing to get the gathers even. It just springs into place! I'll be serging off that elastic thread later.
I used a zipper foot to attach the band because I wanted to get right up next to the elastic. You really should use a stretch stitch, however I don't have a large waist to hip ratio so I can get by with this. Ha!
As typical with a curved hem, the hem allowance is 5/8". I will coverstitch the hem the same as I did on the scalloped top. I love a heavily padded ironing board cover because I pin into all the time!
Inside and outside of finished hem. Even with six panels and a flared hem it took only about two minutes, if that.
The stretch crepe drapes well, but it is polyester so may get a bit hot. Still, no wrinkles! A good travel outfit.