SewLibra: I made View B but drafted a back yoke and short sleeves.
SewLibra: View B does not have a back yoke. The yoke from C and D was not drafted the same.
SewLibra: I used a sleeve from another pattern to determine how long I wanted to make it. There is freezer paper underneath. No need to waste paper tracing the whole sleeve.
SewLibra: Trace the upper sleeve.
SewLibra: I am using a French curve for the sleeve edge, same curve as the HotPatterns piece. Don't just cut straight across.I moved the curve down a little because I wanted the sleeve a tad longer.
SewLibra: After tracing your sleeve pattern, measure in 1/2" at both lower corners and angle the seam to the armscye point. Cut the little triangles off.
SewLibra: Transfer the markings and it's done.
SewLibra: Yoke - First trace the entire back piece unless you want to go ahead and cut into your pattern. I almost did but I know a lot of you don't like that! Lol.
SewLibra: Line up the FRONT piece over your tracing and cut it straight across so that the front and back are the same length.
SewLibra: Add 5/8" seam allowance to the yoke and true the armscye. Do not add to the lower bodice or it will not match the front when you sew.
SewLibra: Line up the front yoke with your new back yoke and angle in the seam allowance to match up at the bottom corner. Snip that little part off.
SewLibra: Comparison showing why I didn't use the back yoke from the other views. It's different!
SewLibra: Transfer your markings to your new back pieces.
SewLibra: All 3 pieces done.
SewLibra: Pinning in the sleeves flat. There was unnecessary ease in the sleeve, typical of the Big 4 pattern companies. They went in ok though.
SewLibra: Understitching the yoke with an edge foot.
SewLibra: I hate this fabric! Obviously I had to do the hem over.
SewLibra: The front and back yokes turned out nicley, but the boat neck is too high for my liking. Next time I'll reshape it.
SewLibra: Back
SewLibra: Front. Every lump shows with this thin fabric. Ack!
SewLibra: All done. More close fitting than I like.
SewLibra: The top pic is without the stabilizer and the bottom is with it. I did not get tunneling, but the edge is wavy. That would not look good!
SewLibra: For very thin knit I like to stabilize the hem with Pellon Knit-N-Stable Tape. It's soft, stretchy, and does not change the drape.