SewLibra: Muslin front. Used an old sheet and no interfacing, obviously!
SewLibra: Muslin side.
SewLibra: Muslin back.
SewLibra: I covered my machine bed with plastic and tape for this project because I had a bad experience with red dye on my previous machine. Turns out I didn't need it. Haha!
SewLibra: These are the markings used to measure armscye vs. sleeve cap. There was 2.75 in. of ease, which is way too much. I need to order a flexible ruler so I don't have to do it this way!
SewLibra: Removing ease from sleeve cap to include 1.25 in. ease for a woven jacket with minimal stretch.
SewLibra: I reduced the sleeve cap by this folding method, and lengthened the sleeve by one inch. I thought the bracelet length sleeve was awkward.
SewLibra: Be sure to cut off the corners of interfacing to create sharp points in the finished garment.
SewLibra: You must clip to the pivot point under the collar.
SewLibra: Clip the curves of the back neck seam allowance from shoulder seam to shoulder seam only. Press the SA up toward the collar.
SewLibra: Using a seam roll to press the seam to one side on the sleeves.
SewLibra: After taking out the ease, the sleeves fit in smoothly.
SewLibra: This is the section to stitch in the ditch, between the shoulder seams.
SewLibra: Stitching in the ditch to secure the collar facing. Instructions say to hand slip stitch. Not unless I HAVE to!
SewLibra: I considered serging the raw edge and folding it under to add an inch. I should have lengthened the sleeve 2 in. instead of 1 in. Oh well, next time.
SewLibra: This is the reason I didn't change the cuff to make it longer. It would have been raw and ugly inside. I followed instructions to turn it under and topstitch.
SewLibra: The inside is all serged. No hand sewing at all, except the closure I added to the front.
SewLibra: Front view.
SewLibra: The back has a center seam.
SewLibra: Side view. I had a pretty Valentine's pin on it to see what it looked like before I sewed on the closure.
SewLibra: La Mode closure from JoAnn Fabrics, my own little touch.
SewLibra: Me in my me-made.