SewLibra: I used black stretch interfacing for a stabilizer in the back edge.
SewLibra: I hand basted, rather than using the machine because I find it easier to work with. Also made a second basting up above to keep it place better.
SewLibra: Sewing the ruched piece to the front was not so fun.
SewLibra: How it looks before sewing into the garment.
SewLibra: I bought the pattern because of the ruched neck. It was after all this work I discovered the armcyes were way too low and I would not be comfortable.
SewLibra: Raised the armscye 1.5 inches. Too bad I didn't catch that BEFORE cutting it out!
SewLibra: Had to adjust the sleeve after raising the armscye. I ended up making it sleeveless, though.
SewLibra: Decided where to start the side piece and cut half of the pattern.
SewLibra: Then mirrored the piece so it will fit both front and back pieces.
SewLibra: This is how the shape ended up for the sides. I did not add seam allowances because the knit was so stretchy and I used my serger.
SewLibra: Cut off all strips, same as the pattern I made, on both sides front and both sides back.
SewLibra: I had just enough for the binding. I really could have used another inch on each arm.
SewLibra: Sew the ends closed first, then you won't have bulk from overlapping on the garment edge.
SewLibra: Before binding. I scooped just a little more out before binding.
SewLibra: Sleeve bindings. The armscyes fit me just right, no gaping.
SewLibra: Done! Front view.
SewLibra: Front view.
SewLibra: Side, with my mistake turned into a design element. LOL.
SewLibra: Side view.
SewLibra: Sorry for the bad lighting and blurry mirror photo!