We finally found some stylish metal patio furniture. I've been looking for 3 years because the all weather wicker was falling apart.
Spring 2017. I liked the new back patio furniture so much we got more of the same for the side patio.
I got this faux bonsai and it looks real. I got a second one and they are now on the fireplace mantel. Made by Nearly Natural through Amazon.
We have plums growing on our quince bush now. The plum tree is on the opposite side of the yard. Naughty things going on in the middle of the night!
Japanese Andromeda. On the third year it had done it's thing so I had to remove it. I never saw another one to buy it again but if I do, I will. Beautiful!
My monster fern! It's so root bound though, and would be difficult to transplant. Update: Sadly, it had to be disposed of in April 2017.
This sun is from my mom, years ago. It was so rusty I painted it last year and decided this year to paint the others.