Starkrusher: Another fall season fades away
Starkrusher: Long Beach, Washington State
Starkrusher: Ducks of a feather
Starkrusher: Shadows
Starkrusher: Roosevelt Elk in the Hoh Rain Forest, Washington (2)
Starkrusher: 'Rich Little' about to touch down
Starkrusher: A Raven on the lookout for a handout
Starkrusher: Gulls along a saltwater bay not far from the Pacific
Starkrusher: Have to ID this guy
Starkrusher: Gulls in a feeding frenzy
Starkrusher: A female Mallard
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (1)
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (2)
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (3)
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (4)
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (5)
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (7)
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (8)
Starkrusher: High wind and high tide (9)
Starkrusher: The Coquille River Lighthouse
Starkrusher: The Coquille Lighthouse near Bandon, OR. (2)
Starkrusher: Dew droplets on a spider web (1)
Starkrusher: Dew droplets on a spider web (2)
Starkrusher: On the beach: Time and tide wait for no man
Starkrusher: Detail in a discarded feather
Starkrusher: Tranquility
Starkrusher: The cat in the ladder
Starkrusher: Lunch Time At The Old Pier
Starkrusher: Steller's Jays Love Peanuts
Starkrusher: The North Cascades