lilacsandviolets1: The pond - before cleaning
lilacsandviolets1: Cody hard at work on my Mother's Day gift - 2009
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day 2009 004
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day 2009 007
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day 2009 008
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day 2009 010
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day 2009 - A close-up of the lit fountain in the pond
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day 2009 - A close-up of the waterfall at dusk
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day 2009 - The pond is done, now some clean-up around it is in order! But for now, this is enough for me.
lilacsandviolets1: The finished product - my Mother's Day 2009 gift from Cody; including the fountain and the waterfall
lilacsandviolets1: Mother's Day Flowers from Sweet Jenny