Great!Steam: Edwardian Ball San Francisco 2008
Great!Steam: "And this thingy spins around and makes the steam come out" Stephen 2008
Great!Steam: Shuldaddy checks the demodulator frambus in the TimeMachine
Great!Steam: Megan admires "Little Baby Steamy Pants" aka "The Blister"
Great!Steam: Steve and Karen
Great!Steam: Steamy Dick without his costume (but finally dry and warm)
Great!Steam: Ms Kyra , Sunny
Great!Steam: Spy. Ray Ray, Heather
Great!Steam: Stephen, "at the controls"
Great!Steam: Spy and Karen
Great!Steam: JMJ and Ms Kyra
Great!Steam: Karen Scholer and the Steam Wheelchair
Great!Steam: Sunny, The Edwardian Wrench
Great!Steam: Ray Ray's best impersonation of "Steamy Dick and his Electric Pickle"
Great!Steam: Steamy hisself and schoolmarm Ms Harker
Great!Steam: Drew Bear at the engine
Great!Steam: What KSW is all about!
Great!Steam: Edwardian Attendees
Great!Steam: Sunny and Karen
Great!Steam: Alan Rorie adjusts his exquisite Steam Powered Time Machine
Great!Steam: John Manyjohns demo's the Time Machine
Great!Steam: Sean and with LBSP
Great!Steam: Sunny in Aunt Ida's dress (c. 1880) with Karen
Great!Steam: Sunny, Zak and Pappy (in the background)
Great!Steam: Karen covets Shultz's steam engine
Great!Steam: Greg Jones provides shelter
Great!Steam: "Sweet nothings" from Schuldaddy
Great!Steam: Horizontal Mill Engine
Great!Steam: Going Up!
Great!Steam: The loving crowd